lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Because it's a beautiful story and a family survived after a tsunami, is a true story and you see the whole family effort both as friends or doctors help people who are injured.

domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

because for me it is not important because, not really the meaning of Easter and not because I do not like to get out there on the street with lots of people to see a Christ or a virgin .. does not make sense to me

We have recently watched a film called 'KINGDOM OF HEAVEN'. Please, follow the instructions:

1. Copy the video trailer above on your blog.

2. Write a different ending from the scene when the muslims are trying to storm into Jerusalem through the hole in the wall and the defenders are trying to stop them,
I encourage you to write in English. Use short sentences.

Muslims lose and Baliam and Queen continue to dwell in Jerusalem

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Watch the two videos below. One is about Formula One. The other is about a similar race called Indycar. What's similar? What's different?

Silimar:and running around a circuit Formula 1 and Indycar
Different:that cars are bigger of Indycar.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

DEFINITION OF LOVE:is the most beautiful thing that can happen in life,is a friendship that lasts a lifetime,gives you happiness.

HISTORY OF LOVE: Romeo y Julietta-Romeo and Juliet (1597) is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. It tells the story of two young lovers who, despite opposition from their families, rival each other, decided to fight for her life to be married in secret, but the pressure of that rivalry and lead a number of fatalities the suicide of the two lovers.

 Romeo y Julieta (1597) es una tragedia de William Shakespeare. Cuenta la historia de dos jóvenes enamorados que, a pesar de la oposición de sus familias, rivales entre sí, deciden luchar por su amor hasta el punto de casarse de forma clandestina; sin embargo, la presión de esa rivalidad y una serie de fatalidades conducen al suicidio de los dos amantes.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013




WRITE  a description of a favourite film of yours in your own words. Try to write short sentences to do your description and NEVER mention the title.



John Carter Trailer Español


John Carter un ser inmortal, capitán durante la Guerra Civil estadounidense, se hace rico al encontrar una mina de oro en Arizona al finalizar la guerra. Un día se esconde de los indios Apaches en una cueva y cae en una muerte aparente, pero es transportado misteriosamente en proyección astral a Marte, donde se reencarna en una forma idéntica a sí mismo.En Marte, al que los nativos llaman Barsoom encuentra varias razas humanoides y criaturas alienígenas que recuerdan a animales míticos de la Tierra. Descubre también su vocación como guerrero-salvador-pacificador del planeta, cuyas razas se enfrentan entre sí en guerras interminables. Logra ganar el corazón de la princesa Dejah Thoris de Helium y sacrifica su vida para salvar Barsoom tras diez años de aventuras.


John Carter an immortal, captain during the American Civil War, is to find a rich gold mine in Arizona after the war. One day hiding from Apache Indians in a cave and falls into an apparent death, but is mysteriously transported to Mars astral projection, which is reincarnated in a form identical to itself mismo.En Mars, which the natives call Barsoom located several humanoid races and alien creatures that resemble mythical animals on Earth. See also his vocation as a warrior-savior-peacemaker in the world, whose races clash with each other in endless wars. Manages to win the heart of Princess Dejah Thoris of Helium and sacrifices his life to save Barsoom after ten years of adventures



WRITE  a description of a favourite film of yours in your own words. Try to write short sentences to do your description and NEVER mention the title. 
                                           JOHN CARTER:


John Carter Trailer Español     



Please, copy and paste the text below on your blog. 

Then read it and  write 5 comprehension questions in English.

Domestic Cat 

Cats are very popular pets and there are many different breeds that all vary in size, colour and markings. An average cat reaches a length of 50-60 cm and weighs about 3-5 kg. The fur may be black, white, brown, grey, red, black and white, tabby (striped) or calico.
Cats are very good hunters and use their strong, sharp claws and teeth to grab and hold their prey. In the wild, cats feed on mice, birds and other small animals.


Cats see and hear extremely well. They can see in the dark and hear many sounds that humans are not able to hear. To feel their way round, cats use their whiskers.

Cat Language

Cats say 'meow'. If they feel very comfortable, they purr. If a cat is angry, it wags its tail, lowers its ears, and hisses or growls. Just watch your cat: eyes, ears, tail and body posture tell you a lot about how your cat feels.

Things your cat needs

  • food and water - There are many different sorts of food. Ask your vet or pet shop for assistance. Make sure that your cat always has a bowl of fresh water. Cats never drink where they eat, so put the water bowl at least one metre away from the food bowl.
  • a litter box and litter - Keep the litter box clean or you will soon have some stinky corners in your living room
  • a carrier - You'll have to see the vet from time to time. If you have to transport a cat, always use a carrier.
  • a place to sleep - This can be a fancy cat's bed, the carrier or just an old cushion or blanket.
  • toys - Pet shops have lots of toys for cats, but even rolled-up wads of paper make nice toys. The most important thing is that you take your time to play with your cat.
  • a scratching post - A cat needs to scratch its claws and if you don't have a post, your furniture will suffer.

 how much does it weigh?
 what does it eat?
how your cat feels?
the cat is angry?

domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Following your teacher's instructions given in class COMPLETE the letter addressed to the Three Kings about:
1. Your family.
2. Your country.
3. The World.
4. A very special person you have in mind.

             A.For my famil-yhealth
             B.For my country-more money
             C.For the world-that there is so much poverty
             D.For a very special person I have in mind-I wish my grandmother again

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

un dia,iba con mi madre por unas escaleras donde habia un perro gigante que solo tenia una valla de seguridad.Entonces,cuando pasamos por delante del perro salto hacia nosotras y casi salta la valla y mi madre se asusto mucho y por eso ya nunca pasamos por alli porque ya habia vecinos que habian proteestado por lo mismo

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Paste the video called 'The Gift of the Magi' on your blog. Listen to. How much do you understand. Retell the story in Spanish on your blog.


De una niña que en Navidad no le dieron nada entonces,conoce a un niño que se conocieron y se empezaron a querer y el niño le dio un regalo.


Find some information about the legend of the Befana. Put it on your blog.

     La bruja Befana es una figura tipica de un gran numero de zonas de Italia a su nombre proviene de la palabra  epifanía,la festividad religiosa en la epoca de Navidad que se celebra en Italia.
Segun la tradición,la Befana visita las casas de los niños de Italia la noche del 5 al 6 de enero montada en su escoba para llenar los calcetines que estos dejan en sus casas con regalos y caramelos si han sido buenos o con carbon si se han portado mal.



My favourite Film

1. Decide which film you want to tell about.
2. Write a summary of the story in your own words.
3. Add a video of the trailer or some photos to illustrate it.

Mary (Naomi Watts), Henry (Ewan McGregor) 
and their three sons begin their winter vacation
 in Thailand looking for a few days in a tropica
paradise. But on the morning of December 26,
 while enjoying their relaxing vacation in the 
pool after the celebration of Christmas and
 Christmas Eve, a terrible roar rises from
 the center of the earth. As Maria freezes
 in fear, a huge wall of dark water runs through the hotel grounds toward her.

TASK 7 4 Short Stories
Please, take a look at the stories you can find in FILES in 1 Bilingual. For the time being, I'd like you to browse through them and have an idea how difficult they are to understand.